Monday 10 October 2016

Web development v/s web design, whats the difference?

    The terms website development and web design are quite confusing for many people. Well they are two sides of the same coin but they have their own individuality and principles. Each one has its own resources of inspiration and reason. Both have their own requirements and traits.  One is a logical domain while the other one is intuitive. Web development requires practice, diligence, hard-core coding and on the other hand creating a beautiful website needs vivid imagination and creativity.

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Saturday 8 October 2016

A guide for creating beautiful wireframes for your website

The most popular definition of a wireframe is- “ a visual guide that represents the skeletal framework of a website”. Wireframing is the fundamental step of web designing. It is observed that most of the web designers come up with brilliant ideas for wireframes by simply sketching on plain paper. Once the designer has come up with a concept that wows everyone, then technology is accustomed to move the sketch into a digital format and transform it into virtual reality. You would imagine wireframes as static digital pictures, but in reality, they are the ones who design the pathway for building interactive websites.

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Friday 7 October 2016

5 tech entrepreneurs who changed the world

Entrepreneurs are people who have the vision and capacity to do the impossible. He or she sees a problem and decides to act on that problem. They change the world for the better with their ideas. So here are five gems who have changed the world in their own unique ways.
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Wednesday 5 October 2016


4 Steps to Create a Free WordPress Website

Everyone who knows anything about websites surely knows that WordPress is the most versatile Content Management System (CMS). Recently it has evolved to be the most popular platform for creating websites.It is easy to use, responsive, flexible and helps you create super-professional websites in a matter of minutes.
   An impressive number of top and famous companies like Forbes, Sony, Fortune 500 use WordPress along millions of other people and almost every day new people are joining in.
   So why should you be left behind?
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Tuesday 4 October 2016

How to Transfer WordPress Website from One Host to Another

There might come a time when you would want to migrate your entire WordPress website to a new location. That might include moving it to a new server or changing domains. Whatever the case may be, a majority of people find the migration process baffling.
     But a WordPress migration from one host to another is a hassle free process and quite easy if done right.
     Basically, WordPress migration is moving your WordPress website from your current host( to new host ( This is includes transferring two major components of your website
1.WordPress Files.
2.WordPress Database.
Make sure WordPress is setup on your new location before starting the migration.
Here is a step by step guide to migrate your WordPress website.

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Monday 3 October 2016

What is SEO? Understand it in an Easy way!

Wanna understand SEO or Search Engine Optimization is?
Webmasters, SEO experts, and digital marketers are always looking for new and powerful SEO tools to make their jobs easier and help their clients reach more potential customers. There are a lot of tools out there, but some of them are not as good as others, and some require webmasters to pay a hefty fee to access.

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Friday 30 September 2016

The Difference between UI and UX Design

User Interface design and User Experience design play a key role in website development and design. Both contribute to the popularity and performance of the website. The job title – UI/UX designer, is the most confusing title that ever existed and yet every company and everyone uses it so wildly. So in this article,we will draw an analogy and with the help of that, we will understand the difference between both of the terms.

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8 amazing tips for creating the perfect website

  Everyone wants to create an awesome website but designing it is unusually hard. So how should we do it? What are the rules of design? What are the guidelines?
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Thursday 29 September 2016

Everything you need to know about Parallax Scrolling

   Parallax scrolling is one of the latest trends in the world of website design and development. Presenting the site’s content in a visually 

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Tuesday 27 September 2016

8 efficient and reliable ways to get funding for your startup

“When looking for funding,don’t just look for cash,look for the right people”-Jodie Fox.
Being an entrepreneur is fascinating and exhausting at the same time,but its definitely worth it.So you have decided to start your own company. Great! The next immediate step is to find funding for it.But how to get funding?Whom to approach?How should one prepare for it?What are the available resources ?Don’t worry, because here we have a list of possible options that can help you decipher this tough puzzle and kickstart the journey to build your own incredible company.

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5 Best Platforms for E-commerce Websites.

       Starting an online website store is one of the quickest and best options for   retailers or entrepreneurs looking to expand their business. But there is a  plethora of online platforms available across the internet. Your business is unique, so should be your website. Choosing from a wide array of e-commerce platforms to suit your needs is one hell of a job.
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Monday 26 September 2016

10 Free WordPress Themes for Startups

            In the era of competition, every business venture needs publicity and marketing. Websites are a valuable tool for creating an appealing online presence. It is an incredible platform to display your assets and products. Sometimes building a website from scratch can be a daunting experience.           WordPress themes provide wonderful solutions for small businesses, startups and other ventures to build unique websites. They look incredibly professional and attractive. And if you don’t want to spend any money on developing your website, there are free themes too!

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